Monday, October 27, 2008

RAPID Prophectic Fulfillments

I also have a summary video of this blog available on YouTube by clicking here...

Prophecy is being fulfilled in our world at such a rapid rate that it is almost blinding.

The purpose of this blog is to share the LATEST prophecy, eye-opening, fulfillments.

The articles that I am posting below are mostly from news events that have happened within the month.

The Bible speaks of a One World Economy, A One World Government, a required mark that people will be required to take. PLEASE Read the articles below and earnestly think about what you believe concerning God.

The fact that the Bible accurately prophesied about these exact events more than 1000 years ago is testament to its true consistency. A Bible that is perfectly consistent in its prophecies is also consistent about Jesus dying for you.

Did you know that Jesus would die for you if you were the only person in the whole, entire world that would have accepted Him??

John 3:16 says that God *so loved* the world (you and I) that He sent Jesus to die for you. Jesus was not forced into dying; He chose to die on our behalf because He loved you. (John 10:11-18).

Believe on Him and you will be saved. It is that simple; salvation is not meant to be legalistically-complicated in which you have to "do" things to be saved. Jesus already did all the"work" already. All you have to do is believe it accept it.

(To read these articles, please click on the *green* statements below.)

Thank you.

In this first set of articles, we see the beginnings of the prophesied "One World Economy and One World Monetary system. The global economy was defined by one of the articles as the "Worst Financial Crisis In Human History."

Those who want to rule everything and further their own agendas have jumped on this tragedy and pushed to unify all the world governments. On November 15, 28 of the worlds top leaders will be meeting together to discuss this New World Order.

The articles below expound upon these events:

Leaders of the most developed 20 nations will meet to for an emergency financial meeting to establish a "New" Global Financial Order

World Market Catastrophe ushers in the development of a "New International Order."

We are in "The Worst Financial Crisis in Human History"

With such a huge implementation of the One World Monetary only makes sense that there would need to be a way for those who use it to be monitored.

How will these world leaders keep track of this system? Below you will see articles detailing how this Global Government plants on tracking people within the New World Order.

Europe is aggressively pursuing a One World Unity. Their solution to maintaining control over this Unity is to track people using a world-wide database. When their plans reach the point of world leadership, each person will have their fingerprints and facial image stored here.

The Global Law Enforcement Agency INTERPOLE is the organization that is pursuing this global database. INTERPOLE justifies their pursuit by saying that a database that has all of this information could easily be accessed by any police entity in the world and it would decrease the amount of crime.

Yet again, we see the *absolute* consistency of the Bible. The Bible clearly says that a point in time will come when everyone MUST receive a mark in their hand or forehead. The mark will be mandatory to anyone who wants to buy or sell. (Revelation 13:16-17)

It is not so far-fetched, especially considering today's amazing technology that everyone be forced to wear a microchip in their hand so that the database could read fingerprints....or in the forehead so the database could scan your facial features.

The Bible said it would happen; it is in the process of happening NOW. Please be sure your heart is ready for Jesus' Return and that you are saved. It will come at an hour when you do not expect it. (Luke 12:40)

World Biometric Database

Europe will begin a New World Order

EU asks the next U.S. President to become more 'involved' and to have a 'greater role' on the world stage

INTERPOL is calling all coutries to combine the biometric info into one main database

How long will America be the "land of the free".....Not as long as you would think...This article expounds on the not-so-subtle endeavors of the American government

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